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Hey there! I'm Anna, a hairstylist on a mission to share the untangled truth about how marketing narratives shape stylist education.


As a hairstylist deeply invested in cosmetic chemistry, I've identified significant gaps in stylist education. Our product knowledge heavily relies on brand-provided education, which is often biased. This bias creates challenges when clients inquire about ingredients, leaving us to parrot marketing narratives rather than offer a comprehensive understanding.


My mission for clean ingredient lists led to a deep dive into cosmetic chemistry, enriching my knowledge beyond brand-focused narratives through hands-on formulation courses, industry lectures, and online education events. With an insider's perspective on the beauty industry, I empower stylists by helping you to comprehensively understand hair care products, enabling you to make informed decisions for your clients and align your salon with brands that share your values.


At Translating the Label, we simplify complex industry jargon into easily digestible pieces, helping you confidently navigate the world of professional hair care.


Outside of work, I love spending time with friends, traveling with my family, and staying updated on the latest developments in cosmetic chemistry. Together, let's build a community of informed, empowered hair stylists ready to make a positive impact both behind the chair and for the planet.


Ready to elevate your salon business? Purchase a Product Line Review to get insider insights into the products you provide for your clients, and download a free guide to start making informed, impactful decisions today.


 Testimonials from stylists! 

Straight from the Source

Translating The Label gave me answers to questions I didn’t know I had! There is no question that Anna is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about ingredients and how they work in the products that we use behind the chair. I learned so much in such a small amount of time and this newfound knowledge has really stirred up a curiosity in me to continue learning as much as I can about the ingredients in our products!


I was blown away by this product review! The review was incredibly thorough and included much more information than I expected. Not only do I now have a better understanding of the product line but I have tangible facts to back up the claims I make to my clients. I also appreciated that the review included and explained many industry standards that I did not previously have knowledge on. I now have a very well rounded understanding of the products themselves, the brands backstory and beauty industry standards which would have taken me months of research to obtain.

Janet H

Thank you so much Anna . My big reveal from the first class  on clean Beauty is ……I’m amazed how as professionals and a consumer I believe or make assumptions about what is true or false when it comes to this topic.

Elizabeth Glasscock


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